6 thoughts on “Hate

  1. In what way is promoting diversity hate speech? White pride is a bad thing, and has led to many terrible events in history. The thing is, no one is calling for the extermination of white people and no one is calling to jail holocaust deniers. However, holocaust deniers are terrible people who are wrong (there are millions of firsthand reports from either holocaust survivors or the horrified soldiers who liberated the death camps). As far as exterminating white people—no one is calling for that, in fact, I’d say it’s the opposite—white hatemongers call for the extermination and deportation of minorities.


    • Not sure what planet you live on Yfar but you clearly lack some basic education on the subjects you raise here. So let’s address your post point by point. I won’t go into too much detail as that would take up waaaaay too much of my time but if there is an honestly enquiring bone in your body, you might learn something or actually be curious enough to start questioning the official narrative that you so clearly have been brainwashed with.

      1. (In what way is promoting diversity hate speech?)
      Answer: Promoting diversity in itself is not hate speech. But here’s the thing. What you lefty liberals are actually promoting and labelling diversity is not actually diversity. It’s not multi-culturalism. It’s mono-culturalism and it’s not even a true mono culture. It’s merely an ugly globalist consumerist identity with no authentic roots in any real culture. It’s pop culture and the culture of spoiled basement dwelling brats who have never worked a day of hard labour in their lives. You are not promoting diversity but rather an ugly identity-less mixing of all identities. What you promote is actually a death of all authentic cultures, races and identities because when you mix them, you lose the original ingredients. But trying to explain this to a brainwashed egalitarian is like trying to explain colours to the blind.

      2. (White pride is a bad thing, and has led to many terrible events in history. )
      Answer: Oh really? How is pride in one’s own identity and achievements ever a bad thing? How has lack of self esteem or pride ever given birth to anything of beauty or greatness? But I know where you’re coming from. You see, according to your very limited little world view, all the suffering and pain in the world is the fault of the white man. Notice how you don’t accuse brown pride or black pride or Jewish pride of causing harm. Only white pride. You see, you’ve been taught all your life that all the brown peoples of the world are perfect little reflections of god who lived in perfect harmony with nature in lands where rivers of chocolate milk flowed and they all held hands and sang Khumbaya my Lord around the campfire eating noodle salad and drinking milkshakes until da evil white man arrived. That’s the over simplified perverted idea of history you have because you have never bothered in your entire life to question the official narrative and do some hard unpalatable research of your own. If you want to throw any accusation at whites, I guarantee you there is not a race or culture upon this planet who did not do the exact same thing. Only difference is that we were better at it and we ended up winning and that’s the real issue here isn’t it. Sure, we have done some bad things but who the fuck hasn’t? My question is this. Show me one other race on this earth who has acknowledged their own sins, admitted them, criticised themselves for them and then tried to rectify them? Who banned slavery? White western civilisation did. That’s who. While slavery even today still exists in many African and Middle Eastern nations.

      3.(he thing is, no one is calling for the extermination of white people and no one is calling to jail holocaust deniers. )
      Answer: Again, what fucking planet do you live on? Of course people are calling for the extermination of the white race and they do it openly with absolutely no retribution. Google Professor Noel Ignatiev for fuck sakes. A Jewish supremacist who openly calls for the abolition of the white race. He’s but one example. Presidents including Bill Clinton have openly talked about importing more browns into the US and encouraging whites to mate with them in order to produce a brown nation and no more white babies. Is that not the death of a race? And nobody jails holocaust deniers????? Are you fucking serious? In Germany alone they jail up 18 000 people per year for saying things that go against the official holocaust narrative. It is against the law in most European countries to disagree with any of the Nuremberg Trial findings so even though we now know that the 12 000 Polish officers murdered at Katyn in Poland were murdered by the Soviets, it is against the law to say so and you can end up in prison because according to the Nuremberg Kangaroo Trials, it was the Germans who massacred them. And innocent Germans hung for those crimes.

      4. (there are millions of firsthand reports from either holocaust survivors or the horrified soldiers who liberated the death camps)
      Answer: I’m not going to insult you or be condescending about this because the holocaust lie is such a massive and sophisticated psy op that I don’t blame people for falling for it, especially if you’re young and haven’t been exposed to anything else. I can only implore you to be open minded enough to at least open up one good revisionist history book and see for yourself the tons of evidence presented to support the claims of the revisionists. You will be shocked at just how flimsy and oftentime non existent the evidence is for the official holocaust narrative.

      5.(As far as exterminating white people—no one is calling for that, in fact, I’d say it’s the opposite—white hatemongers call for the extermination and deportation of minorities.)

      Answer: I addressed this in point 3. Every single day there are subtle calls for violence against whites and then when that violence occurs the news media literally fall over themselves to either hide it or to make excuses for it. You clearly live in a bubble or an echo chamber of liberal lefty talking heads and have not yet been exposed to the terrible crimes committed against white people not only today but throughout history. Yes, there are some on the right who are vulgar and hate filled and who do call for the killing of blacks or Jews but I can guarantee you this, the right is by far more self disciplined and self controlled and far less hate filled than the groups from which people like you emanate. People like the Democrat Hillary supporters who lost their shit the moment their candidate lost and who point blank refused to even attempt debate but rather chose to simply hurl expletives and profanities at those they disagree with. These people are the real bigots because they are incapable of even entertaining an opposing view or contemplating that maybe,…just maybe… they might be wrong about something. If that’s who you choose to side with, by all means knock yourself out. Who am I to stop someone from committing suicide.


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